Charles R. Moore
Charles R. Moore

Welcome! I'm Charles R. Moore, a retired trial attorney. My retirement has given me the opportunity to explore public service projects and to work on issues which I believe are important to our country, such as a free, independent and ethical press. I also have a special interest in supporting Eastport, Maine, where my mother was born, which is a small, unique community on the Down East coast of Maine.
On this website, you'll find information about my personal and professional life as well as current projects. This site is a work in progress and suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks to My Court Reporter Wife
No matter how many times I have read the copy on this website I have found an abundance of errors, even after convincing myself that there could be no more because I read the text so many times. I have learned that proofreading is indeed an art at which I do not excel. On the other hand my wife, Keithe, worked for 30 years as a court reporter before retiring, during which time she took, transcribed and proofread over a thousand depositions, becoming a proofreader extraordinaire. Thanks, Keithe, for making up for my shortcomings. [note: I pruff red this myself.cRM]